Haxxio UDP Serial Port Redirector
This is the table of contents of this documentation.
Technical Support
Licence Agreement
Field Specific Help
AutoStart Behaviour CheckBox
Bind To UDP Port Checkbox
Buy Now Button
Bytes Transmitted Statistic
Bytes Received Statistic
Disable Exit Button Checkbox
Exit Button
Packets Transmitted Statistic
Packets Received Statistic
Remote IP Address
Serial Port Configure Button
Serial Port Selection Entry
Serial Port Status
Serial Port Stats Reset Button
Startup behaviour Radio Buttons
Timer Interval Selection
UDP Average Packet Size Statistic
UDP Bytes transmitted Statistic
UDP Configure Button
UDP Maximum Block Size Statistic
UDP Port Selection Entry
UDP Statistics Reset Button
UDP Transmit Mode Selection
Usage Examples
Replacing a Serial Cable
Wireless RS232
Groups of PCs and/or terminal Servers communicating
Replacing RS485 networks
Interfacing to X10 over IP
How can I make broadcasts span subnets?
How is the Redirector licenced?
Where are the Baud Rate and other serial parameters set?
Why does my application see data it has sent?
Why does the Redirector not have flow control
Why does the Redirector use UDP?
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